How do I use the different Headings in a post?

Any newspaper story or web post is going have one main headline. On the web this would be your main "heading," and it's what you enter in the title field of a post. In HTML there are six heading levels, and they're available to use in the formatting drop-down menu:

The title of your post is automatically formatted as a Heading 1. For every post, there should be only one Heading 1, so Heading 1 should never be used inside a post. In Largo, we typically use Heading 2 on article pages for the site title, so this should also be avoided.

For this reason,  we typically recommend using Heading 3 for subheadings within a story.
Think of the subheading as nested within the main heading. So each major section of the post would have a Heading 3, and if that section has a subsection it should have a Heading 4. If your subsections have subsections, you can nest Heading 5 and Heading 6 titles as needed. 
These headings provide a structural outline for the post and can dramatically improve readability by making your article easier to scan and navigate. They are important for making the article understandable to visually-impaired people using screen readers. 
Well-structured articles also make it easier for search engines to index the site and make sense of the content. 
So how to you add a header? Just select the text you want as a header, and click the text formatting dropdown menu to select the header level you need.

For more on structuring posts with Headings see the Largo User Guide.

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