Post Types
Post Types is an optional taxonomy that allows you to organize posts by content type, such as Article, Photo Gallery, Data, etc. Posts assigned to a given Post Type will be displayed on an archive page with the URL http://yoursitename/post-type/name-of-post-type
Like the other taxonomies, a Post Type can be assigned to any post in the post edit screen. To assign a post to a Post Type just select it in the Post Types panel:
Like the Series, the Post Type taxonomy is disabled by default, but you can enable it from the Appearance > Theme Options > Advanced menu.
Post Type Options
Name: The name of the post type as you would like it to appear to visitors on your site or in your site navigation. - Slug: The URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.
- Parent: A drop-down menu of other post types, this allows you to set a parent/child relationship for your post type. This does not make much of a difference for your visitors but it can be helpful to organize your post types if you have a lot of them.
- Description: In Largo, the description is displayed at the top of the archive page for the post type. It is also used as the meta description and in the open graph tag for that page (this controls how the page appears in search results or when it is shared on various social networks).
- Term icon: The icon the theme may display for posts of a given post type to help users to distinguish between them quickly. By default, the icons available are: Search, Mail, Heart, Heart Empty, Star, Star Empty, Videocam, Picture, Camera, Ok, Cancel, Plus, Minus, Help, Home, Link, Tag, Tags, Download, Print, Comment, Chat, Location, Doc Text, Doc Text Inv, Phone, Menu, Calendar, Headphones, Play, Table, Chart Bar, Spinner, Map, Share,
Gplus , Pinterest, Cc, Flickr, Linkedin, RSS, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Github, Itunes, Tumblr, Instagram.